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How to solve the problems of cap close station ?

Created on:2024-07-05


The trouble with capping stations, such as Caps placed on incorrectly, caps lost, and caps wearing a lot. 


1. Cause analysis:


The bending point of the capping plate is incorrect

Solution:  Adjust to about 1MM below the center of the cap (no jumping when scraping the cap)




2. Cause analysis:


There is a step at the connection between the capping plate and the screw capping plate

Solution: Adjust the length of the capping plate or grind the length




3. Cause analysis:

The height of the screw capping plate is too low or too high

Solution: Make fine adjustments of about 1MM based on the height of the bottle after capping



4. Cause analysis:


The bottle clamp and the first set of screw-capping wheels are not at the same center

Solution: The bottle stops under the screw capping wheel, and the positive and negative screws are adjusted



5. Cause analysis:


The cap is worn

Solution: The bottle cap is too tight, and the speed and force of screw capping are coordinated (the speed should be as slow as possible)





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