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High speed BFS container probiotic drops top and bottom sticker labeling machine

Created on:2024-08-06




Customer was looking for the right solution to efficiently label multidose Blow Fill Seal BFS strips containers packages while covering multiple labels needs. The desired system, in fact, had to apply with precision 5 to 10 pcs labels in the top and bottom part of the containers; it was required to enable the labeling of both the flaps and the body of the products, as well as simplifying the operator’s activities. Speed requried 80 - 100 pcs/min. 












The automatic BFS strips container top and bottom sticker labeling machine comprises a range of labelling systems designed for application to the Fill-Blow-Seal Containers. To meet the requirements of the project, RELIANCE Machinery designed a customized RLB/T labeler machine to perform a top-to bottom application of a label for each BFS dose, both on the container and the flap, with two labeling stations in sequence on the top of the conveyor belt, as well as to check the presence of the labels. The System can apply labels on both sides of the product without the need to place a second labeling station under the conveyor belt. The solution, indeed, incorporates a custom-made device specifically designed to place the product so that it can reach a second labelling station, also located above the belt, which applies the labels on the top side. The designed system is also practical for the operator as it provides greater ease of configuration, facilitates format changes, as well as maintenance and service activities.




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